Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Game? Nah, bro!

Why not?
I don't know. I don't want to.
Come on, you'll like it!

Let's  play a game (or whatever this is!). The game is simple, but it requires a few things. First of all cooperation. I need you to follow the instructions, so you can get something from the game. I also need commitment! Take it seriously, and do all that is asked!
You will need a few minutes to do it. Not more than fifteen I'd say, but it depends on you. This time needs to be uninterrupted in a calm environment. No checking of email or FB for a while, no cooking or other multitasking while you read this article. No nothing! Do it whenever you want, but when you do, please do it the proper way. You will also need a paper and a pen.

Now, I won't tell you what this game is about. It's written on a blog, so you can easily skip and read the bottom, but do you really want to ruin it for yourself?
If not, follow the rules, take the few minutes of your uninterrupted time and see what happens.
I have no idea what could happen by the way :)

I will ask you several questions and your task is to think about them and write everything that comes to your mind in words or short sentences. Just so you don't forget what you had in mind. Take few minutes to every question and when you think you have no other thoughts, continue to the next one. That's it. Simple, right?
After you read this, I will ask the first question, so unless you're not ready, please stop reading and come back later.

The first task is following: Imagine your ideal life in two years. Don't just say you want to have more money, think about your real dreams. Think what you'd really want to achieve in those two years if everything goes smoothly. Dream, but be a bit realistic and write every thought down. Money, jobs, relationships, travelling, epxeriences, material things. Anything! GO!

Finished with the first question?
Did you really spend the time on it?
If yes, then here's another task: Imagine your life in seven years. The deal is the same as before. Think of everything you'd like to achieve by that time. Anything you want to do or try, write it down!



Ok, we're halfway through and the task changes a bit. Now think about your current life. How's it going? Where do you spend your time, money and your will? You don't have to write anything unless you want, just try to assess your current state of living.

I hope you're not lying!

Last part. You imagined your life in the future. You put down your basic plans and dreams. Then you looked at your own life at this moment.
Now tell me this: Are you going toward you dreams? Are you spending your time on things you want to have in two/seven years? Are you getting closer? Are your dreams really dreams or concrete plans? Write everything down!

And one final question that takes only a minute. Are you now satisfied with your life? If you are, great!
If you're not. Are you going to do something about it? What?

I have no idea how this game went. I have no idea if you did it the way I asked, if you understood what I asked for and I have no idea if you liked it. Therefore, I'd appreciate any comments about it.
I will post my answers and comments in the next article.

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