Thursday, September 3, 2015

Game follow-up

In the previous article, I asked you to play a "game".  I have no idea if you followed the rules, if you liked it and if you gained something from it, but I want to explain why I started and give you my answers.

For the past three years, I finally started thinking about my life, where am I going and what I plan to do. For the past three years, I was very slowly trying to become the person I want to be. 
Last year, before I started studying, I thought I have it figured out. I'll do my bachelor's in physics, then travel and then try to go to grad school and get a PhD in physics. There was more in the plans, but this was the basic idea.
Unfortunately, during the past year I realized I probably don't want to do research and get a PhD. I'm not even sure if I want to get a bachelors in physics. I know I want to get a degree in some science, but the specifics are beyond me.

I'm starting a second year in school and I still have the same motivation to finish it as before, which is nice, but now I don't have a real plan. I spent a lot of time in the past few months figuring out what I should do, with little success. Which is not surprising, and not a problem at all. Some adults would say this is horrible, but I'd tell them to fuck off. I'm not living off my parents anymore, so I can do what I want and having no plan is exactly what I want to do at this moment.

I was thinking of my friends and family and I tried to figure out which people have plans they follow and how many of them are just doing what they want with no real idea about the future.
Just to give you the final thought: I think that most of the people I know have no idea what to do. Even the adults!
The second thought I had was a bit surprising because the person who I think is most on track is my girlfriend Andrea. Sure, she might change her mind about anything, but still. She studies what she likes, she's already working in the field and she enjoys it. And what's more important she thinks she'll continue with research and neuroscience. None of us has any idea how it turns out, and I wouldn't be afraid even if she changed her mind completely, but she has a plan. She has a solid plan that can work. She chose that plan on her own, and she's doing everything to achieve it while enjoying it.  And so far successfully!
Most of the people I know are very far from this. Even much older people who should already have the experience to know what to do.

Still, I don't like being in this situation. I want to have some plan, so I was trying figure what I should do. I like a lot of things, I love to get educated (even though in a way most people won't approve) and I'm always curious to ask and try new things. All good attributes, right? Yes, but it also means I still don't have any focus and I can't really do anything well.

Anyway, I asked myself the question I asked you in the previous article and I came up with some answers. The reasons for that are following:
1. Maybe someone will be inspired. Either by the ideas or by the idea of sharing them with others.
2. I want to remember them and have them somewhere stored.
3. I want all of you to know about them. You can freely ignore it or you can ask for more details. You can also ask me how's it going along the way and you can make accountable if I don't achieve what I want. Feel free to punish me if you feel I'm not working hard enough and if I deserve it. 
I'm deadly serious about this even though I suspect no one will bother. But think about it this way. You have a chance to do something horrible to me and I can't do anything because I told you so. You need to have a reason though and you need to be able to explain why did you do it.
And for your entertainment, I'll try to come with some punishments for myself as weĺl.

Now, let's go to the important part where I tell you about my plans.

There's so many of them that I know for sure I won't make them all. The question is if I should try everything and see what happens or focus on some.
Anyway, these are the ideas I wrote when I was thinking about my plans for the next year or so:

1. Have income at least 1500/month
2. Have at least $2000 saved for next summer just for skydiving course.
3. Get into a good school with as little debt as possible
4. Have everything ready to sell glasses and other things for the next summer (website, stands (?) to advertise etc.)
5. Meditate everyday
6. Exercise everyday
7. Be more involved around school (clubs, research and farm)
8. Write one page/day. Either on blog or for the book I plan to finish before I finish school!
9. Be more social. Make some friends, talk to strangers and get rid of the idea I'm introverted.
10. Write dreams and remember them. Eventually, write down at least one/day
11. Start DJing (buy some controller)
12. Learn dancing
13. Learn martial art
14. Stand straight always
15. Have healthy teeth
16. Be less distracted and more focused

And this all basically comes to one idea and that is: Become a doer!
I have several papers and notes in phone filled with ideas to expand and use. I need to use them or get rid of them before it becomes impossible. So my mission from now on is to start doing things instead of coming up with silly ideas and having weird opinions.

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