Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Drugs are bad, mkay?

Well... We all know that's not true :-D

This isn't a topic to promotoe drugs, because not many people can handle the truth about them. Instead I decided... Funny thing, I have no idea what I meant by the "people can't handle the truth about drugs". Really! I have no clue what's that supposed to mean.
Aaanyway I decided to talk about the view on drugs and especially on the addiction on drugs.

Funny thing is that almost all the people on both sides are only talking about addiction and nothing else. The people against drugs always say that drugs are bad, because you can get addicted to them, they'll ruin your life and, you know, the usual "drugs are bad, mkay?" Anyway they focus mainly on the addiction as the worst thing.

On the other hand, the people who are pro-drugs are also talking only about addiction, but as an excuse. People who do some drugs "quite a lot" (whatever that means) say "I'm not addicted to it, I'm fine. I can stop whenever I want."
This is where the strange part comes. For me it makes no difference if I can stop. I still use drugs, and I use them in a way I ruin my body. Maybe I have different limits, but it seems to me as a really stupid, alibistic and ironic way of thinking. Using drugs is fine, if I'm not addicted. That means I can ruin my body as much as I want, but only up to a point, where I can stop. Really? This makes sense to you?

Why do I even bother asking...

First of all, don't only count the illegal drugs. This applies exactly (!) the same for alcohol, cigarettes, medical drugs and maybe even to coffein or gambling.
Second, even if I'm not an addict, I still use drugs. I'm still changing my normal way of thinking, behaving or feeling. Which is great once in a while, because I think that all drugs can teach you something. What surprises me is the fact, that people exchange reality for drugs, and it makes no difference if they can stop right now. Antidepressants are not addictive (from what I heard), but they change your whole opinion and view on life. They change your mood so radically you're happy instead of depressed. That is surely nice, but I'm still putting something into my body, that probably  should not be there.
I have nothing against alcohol in small (and by that I mean really small, not what an average Czech drinks) amounts, but the whole attitude about alcohol is about not being addicted. Unless you're not, you're fine and you can drink whatever you want. No one cares, what it does to your body, how it affects your mood, even when you're not drinking. What matters is that "I can stop whenever I want, and I'm not addicted."

This might be just a different point view, and I don't really mind you do not share the same view. As for the rest, I'd really apreciate some thoughts or comments...

From there we get to another point. I stopped smoking when I was smoking three cigarettes a day, and I stopped completely for a while, because I hate  I smoke that much. I know it's very unhealthy, and what's most important I know how addictive nicotine is. Everyone knows that, yet everyone smokes. Why? Because of this whole attitude "I can stop whenever I want".
You won't! One day that there will be a moment when you'll say "I' can't stop, and I'm fine with it"
See my point? You know you have a problem only when you're addicted, you don't see the way that leads there. That's all because you tell yourself you can stop and you're in control. Be assured that one day you'll realize you're fucked. You won't see how close you are to addiction unless the drug controls your life. Being it antidepressant, because you simply want to be happy. Being it coffee, because you want to stay awake. Being it LSD, because it helps you realize something about you, or marijuana, because it calms you down and helps you think.

What's even funnier are people who are close to or are already screwed,  andwho make up excuses why not do something about it. Just like my friend who said "I'd like to stop, but I'm not ready for it. But one day". This is a real thing. Someone really told me this!
To that I can only say: What the fuck? Seriously? This is the way you're thinking?
If you said, you're fine and you can stop whenever you want, or admitted that you're addicted and happy with it, I'd say you're and idiot, but I'd stop there. You're happy with the way it is. Good.
But when you say you want to stop, then what the hell? If you're a gambler, alcoholic, heroin user there will be a point, when you hit the bottom and you'll basically either die/go to jail or get through it. There are no other options...

The strange thing is that you apparently can think. If you're a real idiot, you wouldn't even think you might have a problem, but you do think about it, you know that you have a problem, yet you excuse yourself that you're not ready for it.
What's funny especially about cigarettes is that they're not really that bad. We all have to die, so what's the point if I die ten years sooner, because of cancer, right? I'm young and I have a whole life before me. But heroin is bad! I mean reeaally bad! You'll be hooked like that and you'll die soon. Cigarettes are fine, I mean, sure I can't and I don't want to stop, but it's not like I'm the real addict like all the meth or heroin users. I'm fine.

I could make a whole topic about this comparing yourself to others (and I might one day), but now I just simply ask: Does it make sense to you? Do you really want to be just better than heroin addict? If you have to compare yourself to someone, why not someone who's better than you, to keep you motivated? Why choose the people on the bottom, who let their lives be controlled by something else? Why feel great that I'm still not the worst and compared to these people I'm fine?

Another funny thing are people who excuse addicts. This is another thing I heard "I don't judge addicts. They're people like me, and it luckily turned out that they happened to be addicted. It's not their fault, it's just circumstances and it could happen to anyone."
Hell yeah! Let's say that addicts (on anything) are fine and they're unlucky and they're basically poor souls who just turned out to be that way and it's definitely not their fault. Actually, let's all pity them and feel sorry for them.

It's really sad that cigarettes and alcohol don't have worse effect on people. It would be so much fun to just watch my friends slowly fade away, because they drink "only on weekends and maybe once or twice during the week." It would be so much fun to see people in their twenties getting cancer after "only five years of smoking."

What is even more baffling is how much people love alcohol and cigarettes, when it does so little to them!
I completely understand heroin addicts. You must feel so great, you just can't stop! But cigarettes? Nothing!
Alcohol? Ok, you feel quite good when you drink, then you blackout and then you feel like shit for the next day.
I don't see the appeal to be honest...

I don't really care about the first paragraphs, but the last one! The last one perfectly shows how much are people stupid, narrowminded, not curious and not creative. They just do what everyone else does. Alcohol must be great when everyone drinks, right? And all the cocain users are just sick!
Come on people! If you really want to use drugs, at least do it properly and try them all!


  1. Yes. The best way is try them all, challenge and listen your body before in and after use. Most of drugs are talking to you few days afteruse. Usually this is the hardest term to "not take again" and "not get addicted". Somedays you win the challegne, somedays you lost. If you lost, you still have a chance. Enjoy the party, ruin your body but after few days....Slap yourselfe and switch on your brain....love my life :-D

  2. I think what you totaly forget is the effect drugs have on other people like friends or family of the one who takes drugs/ drings alcohol. They change you them and you might feel astranged.
    I for example always hated it when my boyfriend had drunk! Its about the strange way they behave that I hate! It´s like there someone else and that somehow scares me.

    Therefor I think you have to seperate between cigarets and alcohol/drugs because they change your behaviour.

    I think the motivation to take drugs/drink alcohol is to feel better. You can´t denial that smoking weed doesn´t give you a good and relaxed feeling and drinking alcohol makes you less shy, makes you laugh a lot more...
    I don´t drink a lot or often and this isn´t meant to appreciate it it´s just a way to explain the graving for drugs.
    I´d suggest we change our attitude towards life: Laugh a lot more, take a lot of things less serious especially ourselves!!, learn to have humour and see irony. That way life wouldn´t be so hard anymore and we probably wouldn´t need alcohol on a party to feel good and weed to relax. :)

    I like the idea you always compare yourself to somebody "beneath" you, so you look better!

    1. You have a good point there, and I mostly agree, but I think you can have problem like this only with alcohol, because it's tolerated, it's everywhere, and it's almost impossible to avoid it. You won't see people on ecstacy unless you go to a party, where you have to count on it. But even if you don't, the people on ecstacy are not a problem for you, they just dance.
      I think it's very similar to almost every other drug. Problem is with alcohol, because drunk people are everywhere, and what's worse, they're sometimes angry and want to be a trouble.
      I just watched a document on heroin, where the maker said that the community of the people is really nice, and everyone is helping each other. Problem is only when they don't have the drug...
      Ańyway, I really agree with you. I hate most of the drunk people too, I just wanted to explain it more.

      The suggestion is nice and I completely agree. The question: how to make it happen for everybody? :)


Thank you for any comments :)