Monday, November 18, 2013

Masochism and sadism

And a little bit of death

Just some notes I gathered that are not strong enough to hold a full article.

First of all a great quote from myself:

"Drugs are a mistress, not a wife."

The main topic is about hate, love and death.
Sounds serious, eh?
Well, it's not.
It all started when I was discussing my funeral with friends and I said something like: "Noone can cry on my funeral. Seriously? I die and everyone will be sad and crying? Hell no!  I want people to have fun on my account. To laugh about my personality, and about the things I did."
I would add that there will surely be sad, and possibly crying people, but that doesn't mean they can't laugh while crying, right? Actually they have to laugh! I require that!

What happened when I said that? Some (well... at least one for sure) friends looked at me like I'm crazy. I might be, I admit. That changes nothing though. I've been on one funeral and it was just plain horrible. If my funeral looks like this, then I want no funeral!

I'll give you two videos to start the main idea.
First one is a video of John Cleese talking about solemnity. He's absolutely right! Tell me that you disagree. I highly doubt that anyone will, but if you do, don't be afraid to say so.
Second video is just beautiful. It literally gave me chills. I smiled while watching and I couldn't agree more.

Everyone in the memorial is sad, which is obvious. I'd prefer if people were sad, because I'm dead. What's so great about this funeral is that people still laugh. They can stll have fun in such a sad moment, and what's most important, they know that Graham Chapman would want it this way.

I mean, when you can't laugh on your mom's funeral, where else? Possibly the saddest moment in your life, and you want to keep grieving and stay in the bad mood? Of course not! You want something to distract you, something that will cheer you up, something that will help your mood.
This is a sick attitude we have and the John Cleese explained it very well.
There's no such thing as serious subject! There is nothing! Literally nothing that should stop the jokes coming.
The idea, that I'm gone and people are afraid or too sad to make jokes in my own funeral, is scary. Do you really think that, of all the people, I would want my funeral to look like everybody else's? Would I want the speakers on my funeral to be strangers saying that I was a good man, I did plenty good in this world and I treated everyone farily? Hell no! I want my friends and family to come and say I was the most idiotic person in the world, that I refused to agree with anyone, and I want people to say I was a bastard and they're happy I'm gone! I want people to make the silliest jokes about death, and I want people to end with the most cheerful song ever made :)
Obviously it's not supposed to look like Graham Chapman's funeral, that's just inspiration, but if you are sad, because I'm dead, then please do me the honor and dom y funeral properly the way I'd want to.
Side note: I might actually prefer the idea of throwing me into the forest and leave me without any last goodbyes, but I'm fine with both. Whatever you choose, because at that time I won't care :)
Anyway, if you plan to honor me and say goodbye to me, then do it in the most ridiculous and outrageous way possible. I don't know, and I don't care about the way you do it, just please do it for me as a last wish.

Another silly idea I came up with is following:
If you die and people liked you, you make a lot of people sad. That's the usual way. People generally try to be nice to their friends and family, and even to strangers.
Let's take a look at person everybody hates. Really hates, that they wish the person would die.
Well the person dies and everybody's happy.

That's a win! I am only half joking now, because this is the ultimate win of life. In a way... You die and with this final act you made several people happy. What else could you want?
What could possibly make your death better?
Sure, it's probably better to make other people happy during their and your life, but I was thinking about it this way:
We have a couple, where the guy is complaining, he's never happy and he always looks for the bad things. He says that to his wife, and by this he calms himself down. He says to her, what he dislikes about her, so he can move on and live with that or somehow solve the problem.
It might sound bad, but for me it actually looks like a healthy relationship. Where you can complain about the other person all the time, and still love each other. It's the smallest things that will annoy you the most anyway.
So we have this kind of guy, and now we have a girl, who doesn't complain. Not because she can't, but because she has no reason, she doesn't see anything wrong. Also she doesn't mind he's always complaining about her.
So it's working for both of them. Now consider the situation that the woman just can't see the mistakes, but there are some. The guy is not nice enough, not making enough money or whatever. Unlike the guy, the woman just accepts it and is happy with it.
What happens when the girl dies?
The guy is sad and unhappy, and he only thinks about the times he wasn't nice to her, all the times he was complaining about what now seems silly etc.
He's just miserable, because he lost his love.

Everything changes if the guy dies first. After the death, the girl realizes all the wrong stuff he did. Not what she did! She realizes how horrible he was. That he was always complaining, being rude to her and so on.
And this makes her angry, this makes her to hate his husband, and eventually she's happy that he's dead.
What's better way to do it, eh? :)

Again, I am of course half joking with the last part, but doesn't it make sense? It surely does!

In a sick and twisted, yet still logical, way of looking at thing. But as you all should know, that's my favourite :)

I had another crazy thought. I'm pretty open and honest person, so I was thinking as my final act I'd share with you everything I can. And I mean it! After I'm dead, someone please go through my computer and post a list and commentary on this blog about everything that's there. All the games, movies, porn, silly articles, music or just old CVs. Post all my notes, ideas or unfinished stories and what's most important: take a facebook chat and post it online.
Of course you should always ask if the other person agrees with it, and I'm afraid most poeple won't be very happy about, but I think it's a great idea. With this blog I'm simply trying to get you to know me, I try to share my thoughts, ideas and way of looking at the world. Sharing my private conversations with the whole world seems like a really good way for you to know me.

Have a good night :)

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit this one really made me laugh and I'm kinda going to continue in your way. I hope you'll die before I do so I can enjoy all those things listed above! I don't know if I'm a weirdo but I've never been to a funeral, all my relatives died when I was happy I could walk and go to the toilet on my own. I remember the discussion on this topic and it even made me laugh back then and I'm also the person who says "prdel musí být, i kdyby fotra věšeli" :-) But who knows how I'd act on the funeral...


Thank you for any comments :)