Monday, November 4, 2013

Sex, drugs and other nice things

Let's see if this will be more popular than "Size matters" :-D

Let's start by saying that all this will sound cocky and very egoistic. For obvious reasons: I am confident person, who cares mostly about himself and who thinks he's better than most people. You might not think the same (idiots! :-D), but if you mind, you can stop reading.

Why I write this? Because I found this great comics. It is really amazing. Not only this one...
Though you need to read at least this one in order to have some introduction into what I'm going to write.

Read it?

You sure? :)

Ok, let's go!

Let's start with drugs, because that's a great example. When I was a teenager I didn't like the beer for a long time. I like it now, but at that time I didn't. Did it change anything? No, I was still going to pub with friends and I still had a good time.
It's similar to the use of alcohol in general. I've been drunk and I will be, because once in a while it gives me something, once in a while it's funny and "new" experience. Did I ever care that everyone else is drinking and I'm not? Did it ocurr to me that I should be drinking too? No, because it's my decision, and there's no way I should be affected by other people in this way.

How about cigarettes? I do smoke occasionally, but I started smoking too much (for me) during the holidays, so after that I stopped and I came back to the previous state, where I smoke sometimes (like once in a week, if I go out).
This all might not seem relevant to the comics, but it will be in a short time.

How about other drugs? I've tried and smoked marijuana for some time and again I got to a point, where I realized, it doesn't give me anything. I'll do it in the future, because I like the feeling, but maybe once in a few months or something.
Ecstasy? Yup, I tried that and I really like it, but again, I'm not driven by it, I take it once in a while on a concert.

Move on to sex.
I've always said that people really need two things in order to be happy: alcohol (or drugs in general) and sex. I'm still convinced this is true. I wonder if people realize how much are they affected by these things and if they do...
Do you mind?

Anyway, what's my view on sex? I don't care.
Unfortunately, I have some needs I need to take care of, but that's it. I do appreciate nice women, I do have the biological need to have sex, but these two things do not connect for me. The beauty (or more like "hotness", because beauty is totally different) of a woman doesn't make me do anything to "release" myself. I'm not forced to talk to that woman or try to hit on her.
Similar to it, I don't care about naked women. To be honest I find a bit ugly. I like to look at a women, when she is clad, and I think nice clothes make women more beautiful than being naked.
I simply do not care about sex. Even though I have sexual desires, I simply don't act on them.
Hard to understand, eh?

How about commercials? They always say that commercials work on some subconcious level, but the thing is, I never noticed that. When I'm in the shop, I'm not tempted to buy something I saw in the commercial. It never worked for me.
Yes, you don't believe me, and you can give me several reasons for proving me wrong and I would acknowledge most of them, because I know these arguments and I found them dull and I don't think they apply for myself.
But feel free to try, I don't might to admit I'm wrong. I actually want be proven wrong, to be honest :)

Great example of what I want to say is this blog. I'm not saying my ideas are good, but I don't think you would  say they are unoriginal. I don't want to boast and say how great I am, but many times (pretty much all the time to be honest) on this blog I asked for explanations on many traditions, ceremonies and ideas kept in your society. I was writing about the need for funerals, about the need for "tykání/vykání". Recently I asked why friends don't talk about their relationships. I said people should care less for each other.
All these ideas are not particularly "conformist" and people who can't and don't want to think would just ignore them, because "it just doesn't work this way."
What I'm saying is that I'm not a person who would follow the crowd and who can't think on his own.
Without implying my ideas are correct...

Let's take a look again at the comics.

"We are gifted with another layer above the reptile brain"
"We are the only creature that can bypass the unreal and choose the real"

That's the whole point. I don't see that in you.
In many people and in many ways yes, but in general no.
Of course the people I personally now are doing better than the rest. But by that I don't want to imply, they're doing well.
Hell no!

This is exactly the reason, why I always think I'm "above" you. This is the reason I think I'm more clever than most people, and why I think that everyone else is stupid.
Because I've seen so many times people acting just to get the pleasure of drugs and sex.
I know people being addicted to these things, who don't even want to fight the habit and say "I'm not ready for it, yet. I would stop, but I know I wouldn't make it now."
I've seen way to many people being driven by their friends or the society.
I've seen many people, who think only what they think they should, because someone is telling them this is the right way.
I've seen unhappy people who don't go for what they want, because they're afraid.
And what's the saddest and most imporant thing? I haven't met anyone who would try to do something about it.
I've seen these people, I've read their articles, but have I ever met anyone, who would think the same as me? If I did then let me know :)

Because of all this, I think I'm better than you.
Because of all this, I have nothing in common with most of you.
Most importantly, this is the reason I'll never understand you. You live somewhere else, you live in a place I don't understand, and I don't want to live.
I don't want to be driven by all these things. I don't want to be just a puppet of my emotions, needs and craving. I want to think I'm above all this, because I want to think I'm a human. Not an animal.

You could say that all this means I'm only different, but not better. You would be right, but consider this: do you think you are better than everyone else? Do you think you have the right opinion about everything? Probably yes. Proably you think that people who have different opinions are idiots.

Well, it works the same for me. You're different. And when something is different and I also don't see a logic in those differences, then for me it means my way is better.

Take it whatever you want. I just wanted explain a bit about the obvious; that I do think I'm better than all of you.
I'm not perfect, I'm not happy with myself and probably never will be, but in the same way I think my friends are generally better than the average, I think I'm better than most of the people.

Prove me wrong! I challenge you! :)


  1. I have two thoughts in this context for you:

    - I actually think that we are aware of the fact that society influences us a lot and that we are captured by what society thinks is wright and how our lifeway should be. Therefore there are a lot of people who activly try to be different. Actually so much that it somehow became mainstream now to be different.
    But I´m not sure if human beings really desire to be different. On the one hand they want to differ from others a lot to stick out but on the other hand they don´t wont to be weird. They want to be an accepted part of society.

    - I really do belief that dumb people are simply happier than we are!!

    1. That's the thing, it's not really about being different. It's not about being original just for the originality. Simply be who you want to be and do what you want without regards what others tell you. I don't think I act or look differently than most people, but that's becaue I chose it. I don't want to dress too weird, that's not me. If it's you, then don't be ashamed to do it.

      You're right, but addicts are happy too. The question is: is this really happines? Maybe it can be better in some other way?
      Also the drugs really could be the ultimate solution to happiness and maybe all the world should die of overdose. I still consider this as an option :-D


Thank you for any comments :)