Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sunny friends

WARNING: This article is the most personal, most insane one I've ever wrote, with the  possibility of offending (or worse) someone. Keep that in mind and don't take it too seriously or personally. I'm having a bad time right now :-D
Also, please ask questions before you make a final conclusion about my sanity! :)

You all changed me and made me think I'm someome I'm not.
And that's not cool! Funny thing is that I didn't realize it until now. Not in NZ where I was alone for 10 months but now, after I had the best month of my life with all of you who might read it-my friends.
What I'm trying to say? That I'm possibly not asocial and introvert as I thought for severals years! I always thought I changed during the puberty. I always thought I know myself and I know who I am. Truth is I had no idea because you all changed my view on myself. For the past years I was suffering from something I called "social hangover", not knowing it actually exists, because in czech it doesn't. It's exactly what you'd expect it to be. One day I'm social, in company of other people and I usually have a good time. Yet, when I wake up the next day I don't want to see anyone. I'm angry, easily annoyed, simply in a bad mood. It has nothing to do with drinking or any other drugs. It's just that I have had enough of people.

I was experiencing all this for several years. I always thought I'm just not social person, I can't stand people for a long time and it's exhausting for me to be around them.
Until today, I didn't realize it's not true, even though the signs were in front of me. For example few years back my friend organized a new year's party on his cottage in Beskydy. We were there for a few days and I was afraid before, but I had the best time in there. Everyday I woke up with the feeling that the previous day was great and next one will be even better. I knew before, that I can't stand some people for longer time, there is always something that annoys me about them. When I'm with someone for a longer time these characteristics show up, my mood goes down and I feel aversion against that person. During these few days I remember only one occasion when someone showed up their bad side. One occasion during four (?) days. I had a great time, I loved it and I'll always remember it as the best (one of the best) party(ies).
I always though it was just luck, just a coincidence that everything worked. We all helped and were nice to each other and I can't think of any other party that was like this.
All other social events were far from being this good and even though I enjoyed going out, going out two days consecutively was very rare because I didn't feel good the next morning. Well... I might have felt good, just not social.

So why do I say all this? Obviously, something has changed.
The first impulse, I think, to this idea came from Cynthia (thank you, honey :), because she told that my "social hangover" might be caused by me, somehow soaking all the "bad energy" from the people and then feeling bad when it's in me. This is not only simplified, but also badly explained. Yet, that's pretty much how I understood it. I just somehow notice people's fears, doubts, anxieties and they affect me. I don't want to say I'm especially emphatic and sensitive and this doesn't happen to other people, I'm just trying to explain my whole process of thinking.
Cynthia told me all this and I took it as an option, but never seriously enough. When I came back to Czech, I thought nothing has changed. It was surprising. I didn't expect some big changes but at least something. As a consequence, I was a bit disappointed by that. For the first month the impression prevailed. The people, the city, the family... Everything looked the same to me and I felt the same. I was excited to be back, but my friends stayed the same with all their flaws and mistakes, and I was back, the same person as I left. Then came august, when everything changed!

It all started on Let it Roll festival which was one of the best festivals ever. I enjoyed it very much and sure, it was partially because we all took E, but my good mood was from being caused only by that.
That was a good start to the best month. It continued with two days of lovely relaxation during which something amazing happened and then it peaked (wasn't the peak during the 4th and the 5th?) on Sziget festival. I wanted to write about that a whole article for some time, but my friend described it quite well in here. Also I don't feel confident enough to explain this amazing week anywhere close as was the reality. It was just plain awesome!
I was scared, because I was going there with only two other friends and a girl I've seen maybe once before. I was scared that we would hate each other after a week in one place together. That we would have to enjoy the festival separately because we wouldn't be able to stand each other. We all had this same thought of course, but it never came true. There were two occasions during the whole week when I got slightly (!) annoyed with things my friends did. Once for both of my friends for the whole week! That's unbelievable!
We all felt the same: sunny! That's the only way to describe it. We were happy, excited, ecstatic (without ecstasy) and peaceful. We were high on life, high on music and high on Sziget. The best drug you can get!

By now I had about 10 days of being social and having the best time. After Sziget I decided to visit other friends in Bulgaria. That was bit of a decline during the best month. Which still means it was awesome! It cost me a huge amoung of money, there were things that disappointed me (not like Sziget that was just perfect) but all in all, I regret nothing and I would go there again! We spent there another week and then we all met again in Czech.
By now I had more than two weeks of being social and loving it.
Which was a second peak. My best friend was leaving to study to US (good on you mate! :) and we were preparing great things for her as a way to say goodbye. We had great parties, awesome nights and days and it's really sad she's gone.
After the most awesome three weeks everything calmed but I still felt great! I saw my friends excited about their lifes, happy about everything and we all shared the same thoughts: we are the sunny people, we are happy and we are not ashamed to show it! :)
It continued like this until yesterday, respectively today.

We went to a pubquiz, we drank a bit. We lost (but not tragically) the quiz, won the bonus question and then went to another pub. I came back from the pub at about 2am and I felt good. Bit drunk, tired for sure, but not bad.
Today, something that had to happen sooner or later happened: comedown!
And together with comedown came realization!
How is it possible, that I spent a whole month being social, surrounded with friends and how is possible I consider it the best month of my life?
Sure I had great stimulants to have a good time: music and different kinds of venues on festivals, parties, trips, occasionaly drugs and many other things. In general, there wasn't a time I was bored. I was always excited about something.

But in the end it all comes up to the most important thing and that's company. Most of the times it's not about what you do, but with who you do it. Even though I realized that a long time ago, I didn't think about it properly.
Becase until now I didn't realize how bad comapny I sometimes have.
I didn't realize that my social hangover isn't made by me being antisocial. I didn't realize I love people and I love talking to them. I didn't realize that I just talk and hang out with the wrong people!
This will sound horrible and mean to some people but it shouldn't, because it means something great. We can move on! Having a "bad" (better word: unsuitable)  friends is exactly like having a partner and realizing the relationship doesn't work. You need to break the relationship and move on!
I am in a bad mood and in that state I don't consider the consequences properly, but I believe the time has come to move on from some (!) of my friends.
I can't really say what made me realize this now. I have some ideas why the yesterday night went "wrong" and I feel like this today. Maybe it's just the insane dream I had today. Most likely though it was simply the right time to realize that. It has something to do with the argument we had, but not what you think, the argument wasn't the problem, even though it helped me to understand this.
To understand that some of my friends don't support me and I don't support them. That some of them don't believe in me, (probably unwillingly) discourage me and bring me down. I don't want to say names but because there wasn't many people yesterday, some people (one for sure) will take it the wrong way. You shouldn't! Because it's not your fault, you are who you are, you are not going to change  (especially not for me) and I am, who I am and I'm not going to change for you.
When you break up with your partner, you don't want to see her (him) for some time. You need a break, you need your own space, so hopefully one day you can look at each, say you're doing fine, mean it and then move on to find someone more suitable.
There's no such with friends. Unfortunately... You can't break up with a friend. You can stop talking to him but saying "sorry, I don't want to see you. At least for some time..." is impossible. It shouldn't! You should be able to "break up" with a friend!

I might be horribly wrong with all this! Or maybe just a bit wrong and it's not about my friends in general, it's about how, in what situations, I meet them. You need to be alone with you girlfriend and you can't be with your mom at a party, right? Maybe we just meet in wrong situations, which leads to me being annoyed and angry.
Again, I don't want anyone to feel bad, to feel offended. I don't expect you to change nor apologise. I don't ask for anything with this, I'm simply telling you that I've changed and this is the result. I realized something and I don't want (and need!) friends who don't support me. I don't mind criticism and comments, if there's a point to them. If you just want to say I know nothing, I'm not prepared and I can't do what I want to, keep it to yourself!

If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.

While this being essentially true, there are exceptions. There are things that need to be said and criticism isn't generally a bad thing.
All I'm trying to say is that I need friends who believe in me, support me, help me and only when neccessary tell me I'm an idiot. Not people who discourage me, bring me down while not even saying anything that might help.
And again, this is not (!) a personal attack to anyone! This has very little to do with yesterday('s argument), that was just the last few neuron connections that made me think of all this.
Think about this: if I wrote this extremely personal article why wouldn't I say names of the people who made me wrote this. There's no reason for me not to write the names, right? Except, I also have no reason to write them, because it's not my intention to offend anyone.
Just think of me as an insecure idiot, who can't solve his problems and who's trying to blame others.
Because who else I am, right?

I should say that this whole article won't probably change anything. Well, it might, but I don't want to. I don't plan to stop being social, even though not as much as the last month and I don't plan to stop seeing my friends (unless you tell me to fuck off after this :-D). I just had to say that, to relieve myself and maybe to help you realize something too. Also, this is basically just a confirmation that I really need to leave and start somewhere else a whole new life.


  1. Awesome, i am actually gonna read it again:)

  2. I don't know if I should regret going home right after the quiz the other night because I'm really wondering what the argument might have been about and what exactly made you write this.
    Anyway, I highly recommend taking the Social Psychology course on Coursera, there are many phenomenons you mentioned in the article explained in detail (e.g. how other people perceive you and especially the influences of being in a group).
    You wrote something about having a fear of hating each other on Sziget. I actually never thought of it, I would have if there were different people going with us, but I wasn't afraid that we would hate each other in that group. What was the one situation about when you were angry with us? Just wondering :)
    I also have to say that your writing pace is really intense these days, not sure if you were planning to write so much. And thanks for linking my blog!

    1. Don't worry about the argument, that was just the final straw. It could have happened anywhere with anyone else.
      Yeah, thanks for the tip. I guess I should take a look at it, sounds not only interesting but helpful.
      You didn't? :-O Well, good on you!
      I don't remember what was it exactly but I was far from being angry. You said something, I thought you're an idiot, I said something that wasn't particularly nice and that's all. Everyone does this all the time, there's no reason to worry about it, but it was so "special" and unusual on Sziget I remember it :-D
      I definitely wasn't planning that much, not sure what happened...
      Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting :)

    2. Hehe, it surely must have been just a little hiccup (another word that I love and I'm not sure if I can use it in this context) because I can't think of any situation when I was out of my Sziget-mood, haha.

  3. I remember the moment when you came back from NZ and said that nothing changed. I looked around and then I saw it, you were totally right. It made made me sad for like a week when i realizie that my life didn't go anywhere. LiR was the gamechanger:)

    1. Exactly! LiR changed a lot and I was so excited it did, not only for me but for a lot of people around me and that's what made my days mostly, knowing that you all want something more from life :)

  4. First thing: More awesome stuff to read!!!! ^^
    Second thing: I have to admit I agree with every single word up here. :) It´s not simply about how world is, but how you percieve it.
    No doubts about LIR! It´s been life experience!
    There are a few people (I still consider them as my friends), who annoy me recently. It´s not like I hate them or something, but I don´t heve need to see them for a while. To give them chance to change their closed minds. Or at least don´t complain about my future plans and life. It is also one of the reasons I need to leave Czech Republic. I hope something is gonna change here. But I´m afraid it won´t happen...
    I´m wondering what was that argument in Naproti about and who with. I left just after you arrived from the Immigrant. But it doesn´t matter. The importatnt thing is to remain calm and sunny :) so keep on!

  5. Oookay :)
    First of all, just so you know, I am not offended at all, although I must say this makes me a very, very sad panda.
    And the reason for that is I think that argument was completely useless. The way I see it, we didn't really have a disagreement, but were just too stubborn to stop arguing. I am horrified if you consider what I said discouragement or trying to bring you down. What did I say that made you feel this way?
    You talk extremely confidently about studying physics on hardest universities in the world. What I did (or tried to do) is that I pointed out that you don't have any experience to base that confidence on. I didn't mean it in an offensive way, I honestly wanted to hear your opinion and let you explain to me where does the confidence come from, simply because I am a different person than you are and I just didn't understand it. I got my answer, it is your belief that everything comes down to motivation and that if you try really hard, anything is possible. Pretty damn cool, if you ask me. Unfortunately you took it all very personally (I never meant to disrespect you or your intelligence) and we argued and argued without actually saying anything. I also maybe wanted to know if you are prepared for the possibility that your plan will fail, because that is important too and if you weren't, I thought maybe I (although at the price of being the bad guy) might make you think about it.
    You say that you want friends that support you and that people shouldn't talk when they don't have anything nice to say. Well I think friends also have very important (actually I think this might be the most important) job to "offer you a mirror" and let you know if they don't agree with you in something.
    ! This is not the case from Thursday, because I wasn't saying you can't do it. I am just generally writing about my ideas in this matter. !
    I don't like seeing people just patting each other on their backs without realistically considering the situation.

    Anyway I completely agree with that "friends break up" part. I am a very, very strong believer in honesty and I definitely think everything would be simpler if people acted like you suggest.

    I can't tell at all how much is this text aimed at me, because I still plan to see you at pub quiz and so on and I hope that won't be a problem.

    And last thing I want to say that I am truly and deeply sorry if I took even a tiny little bit of Sun from your mind, because that's the worst thing a (ex)friend can do and being sunny is the best thing there is :)

    1. Yay! More comments! :-D
      Jesus! This will take a loong time... :)

      The argument was useless but the thing is I didn't start it You did! I was just defending my opinion. So the main question that reamins is: why did you start it? You said you wanted to hear my opinion but when I said what I thought, you simply repeated your first argument, ignoring what I just said. Then we cycled until we stopped the whole conversation. Am I right? If no, where? If yes, what was the point of your argument at the beginning?

      I know you wish me best and you didn't mean to discourage me, but you did. You said I know nothing of my real skills because I've never studied. I've never proved I have the knowledge which is neccessary and you say you meant it as a question, but it didn't look like it. The way you said might discourage someone with less confidence than me. That's pretty much the whole point, the way you said it.

      Again, I told you many times during that argument why I think I can make it. You, for some reason, didn't acknowledge that. I told you my reasons, you repeated the question so I repeated my answer. If you wanted more explanation you should have asked but you didn't. I'd really appreciate if we could have the argument again without anyone else :)

      Before I explaion my confidence. I know for sure I won't be accepted to MIT or Ivy league, the chance is tiny, if it's even there. I just like to joke about geting into MIT. I aim at good universities in US but not the best. Not because I don't think I could do it but because I know I have no chance of getting there.
      Where I gained the confidence? First of all I really believe it's mostly about motivation. The reason I believe that, is that I just am confident. I know some people won't be able to do some things even with infinite motivation but I just believe I can. Where the confidence comes from? I know myself woudl be the simplest answer. Better answer for you: at the end of high school I studied! And I honestly believe that on maturita (not before, not now), my knowledge of physics was better than neccessary to start (!) studying at prestige university. And when I'm accepted I'm confident that I'm clever enough, but mostly motivated enough, to finish it.
      Plus, I don't have enough knowledge to start studying the school now, I admit that. But I have year to study. Now I'm simply trying to get there, later I'll study to make it.

      I'm kind of prepared for the option that I won't be accepted but I'm convinced it won't happen and I don't like making plans on things I don't want and I don't believe will happen. Anyway, I know I'll be fine no matter what :) Also, I have some sort of plan...

    2. Sorry I needed to separate it, it was too long :-D

      You got a point! Friends are here not only to support but also to gave me an insight, I agree!
      I don't mind criticism in general. But I don't like it when it sounds like discouraging and when it is something useless. What's the point of saying to me that I don't have the neccessary skill to study? Because you didn't ask a question, you said it, like it's a fact! That's a huge difference!
      Again, I know you didn't mean it wrong! Again, it's not exactly about you, that was just the final straw.

      My point is that even though you wish me the best, you sound like you discourage me, unintentionally...
      And it's not just me, I was talking about this with Andrejka and she feels exactly the same. When she was planning her studying. Noone (!) ever said to her to go for it, if she wants. Not her mom (who has to do it. Imho), not her boyfriend (who should do it), not her friends (who might/should do it). In Primorsko, after dinner, where we all discussed her studies, she came to me and said I'm the only person who supports her with the plan! Sad, isn't it?
      I know, we all wish the best for her but who showed it?

      Almost noone told me to go for it and to do it. All the peple who talked about it skipped the "good on you" part and immediately went to"Do you think you can do it? Where do you get the money?"
      Honestly, I don't care about you opinions and this is not even what I wanted to say in the article but it had to be said anyway!

      Ok, this all applies if you really wish me the best and you think it's a good plan. If you don't, you'll obviously say I'm and idiot and I won't make it.
      So, do you think it's bad plan or you think I can't do it?

      This text is aimed at you a bit. I think I might explain that in person or at least in private way better.
      Mostly it's aimed at people who somehow just suck energy from me, so I feel tired and angry the next day. You were just caught in the middle and I'm sorry for that. I'll explain that more if you want but nothing of the article was meant to make you sad, angry, sorry or whatever... If something it's meant to show you, what you do wrong and 'll explain that more if you want, because I'm not sure how much you (or anyone, for that matter) understand what I wanted to say

      No worries! Someone took the sunny mood from me for a day but it's back. In addition, I know, what to do in order to keep it in the future. That's a win! :)


Thank you for any comments :)