Sunday, September 1, 2013


Here we go?
No! Wrong! I already started with this and probably more than once, so let me correct it:
Here I go!
I said I would write in czech first, but we'll see when I get to the part when I was high in Amsterdam :)

I have no idea where to start, which is not good. Not for essays, and not in general, so I'll start from the most insane thing I have on the "to write" list. It's actually not insane at all, because it's completely sane, logical and basically awesome, but the situation, the circumstances around it are a bit strange. Maybe I shouldn't write all this otherwise you'll ingore everything that's written next, because it's just a product of a stoned mind. So when I'm finished I'll possibly move this whole paragraph to the bottom, which won't make any difference on your opinion, but I might feel better. Anyway, I came up with these ideas during two days in Amsterdam and I was really high. Which doesn't (or at least it shouldn't) change anything.

The first brilliant idea I came up with, is the following: Everything (!) is a test and our mood is a result of how we succeeded in these tests.

How do you feel right now? Good, bad, neutral? And the most important question: do you know why do you feel like that? You might. I feel very good right now, and I know why, but often (most of the time?) I have no idea or almost no idea about why I feel the way I do. I get angry or I'm always joking and feel great for no apparent reason. But there has to be a reason, right? There has to be some explanation for all this, and I figured it out. Everything is a test! Everything! The way you choose to go to school. Your friends. The way you tie your shoelaces. The job you're doing. What you've eaten. When was the last time you exercised. If you're wearing sunglasses. If it's raining.  Are your headphones pushing to your ears? Did you brush your teeth? Everything you can think of is actually a test. Hopefully you'll understand at least this by the end. So if everything is a test, what does it mean? Well, that means that our (un)success in these tests determines our mood. If I passed all these tests right, I'm in a good mood and opposite.

Let's take a look at a few examples. If you tie your shoelaces too tight or too loose, you don't feel comfortable, and it adds a bit to your level of "bad mood". Even though it's not that hard to stop and tie them again, it slows you down and you're doing the same thing all over again, which also adds to your mood at the moment. Probably it's just a tiny bit but that's the whole point: it all counts!

Your friends. You generally like them, and they generally make you happy, otherwise you wouldn't be with them, right? Make sense but do you hate them sometimes? Do you think they're stupid and/or silly? Do they make you angry because they are late, they promise something and then don't show up, or they just annoy you sometimes? It happens and we all know that but it still makes us a bit angry/dissapointed.
But these things are obvious so how about something less obvious.
How about the humidity? How much do you notice and pay attention to that? But it affects how you feel! Maybe not by much, but everything counts.
How about having too small/too big clothes. That counts too!
Your mattress, is it comfortable?
Your pc monitor, is it adjusted propperly for your eyes?
What I'm saying is that everything (literally everything) affects your mood, even if you don't know it and you don't pay attention to it.

Now I hope you understand that everything counts, but what does it mean? Well, it also means that every one of these things can be considered a test. Some are big, like choosing the right friends, the right school or a job. Some are smaller like sitting in a chair comfortably so your butt doesn't hurt at the end of the day, or maybe drinking enough water so you don't get a headache. And some are so small, you don't even think they might affect you, like the shoelaces or distributing the weight in your pockets evenly. But all these things are tests. At some point you have to decide in which pocket you're going to put your keys and phone. At some point you'll have to decide how are you going to spend the evening, and which shoes are you going to take. All these things are up to you, and they happen because of your actions, your decisions. For example, today I went out to get a new ID, and while I was in the city, I should've taken all my papers so I could sort out my health insurance too. But I didn't, I forgot, and now I'll have to go there again. I don't actually feel bad about it, but some people might, and I'm sure that if there was more of these things during one day it would piss me off. But it's my fault, I didn't think hard enough and now I'll have to suffer the consequences. Are you sure that if you get angry because something bad happened you can always make sure it wasn't actually your bad decision? But that's not the point. The point is that everything is a test. Just try to think about the things you're doing a bit more and you'll realize I am right. Everything you do is some kind of a test. Every time you talk, you're testing your ability to speak, and your ability to speak in that certain language. It might not seem a like a test for you, but it actually is. Everytime you cross the street, you're testing your body, you're testing a skill called walking. Also you test your memory and your senses because you should take a look if there's a car coming. Even though you don't want to turn your head, you should at least carefully listen. It's all a test of some kind!

So, "what's the conlusuion?" you might ask. None, to be honest. I'm not here to tell you that you should (at least try to) think about everything. I'm just trying to tell you that's how it works (or at least might work, but do you have better explanation?) and what can you do about it. What you should do right now, is at least understand the fact that everything is a test. That's quite an important fact. Test of breathing, test of listening, test of writing on a keyboard, test of reading. Everything you do is a test. Or maybe just a repetition because you already passed the test of breathing long time ago, but there are things you never learn properly. Even breathing. Who doesn't have a problem breathing, at least sometimes? Allergies, asthma and who knows what else. But even though you don't have any noticeable problem, can you hold you breath for 22 minutes and 22 seconds? Apparently only one person can do it, but still, how long can you hold your breath? A minute? Two? Why not get better at it? And everyone here is asking  "why?", but that shouldn't be the question. The question should be "why not?", because why not get better at something? Why not make myself a better person in general, and why not get better at one certain skill. It might not be useful but you got better at some skill, you passed the test of that skill. And just like after any successfully passed tests, you will feel good about yourself! When you passed a test in a school, let's say Maturita (finals of high school in Czech), how did you feel? I felt relieved, I felt satisfied, relaxed. I was happy it was finally over. It works exactly the same with any other test, doesn't it? Your driving lessons and getting a license; an interview and getting a new job; racing and winning a competition. Even if you don't win, how would you feel after finishing a marathon? Except for  feeling tired, I'm pretty sure you would feel happy with yourself.

That's pretty much it. I wanted to say "take it or leave it" but that's wrong. Read it. Read it carefully and this goes for all my blog: think about it properly before you refuse it as an insane idea of an idiot.
Have a good week! Whole week! Not just a day :)


  1. Nicely written and inspiring, as always :-) So today your post inspired me to change the height of my chair, move away from the air conditioning, and change the shoulder I usually carry my bag on (and that's just today). And apparently it helped, cause I've been in a phenomenal mood all day! :-D

    1. YAY! Thank you! Not only someone reads my articles (which I consider a huge success :), someone is inspired by them. I have absolutely no idea what to say to that except "thank you" :)
      Keep the mood up! World needs more happy people :)


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