Friday, January 31, 2014

Coming out part 3/3

End of the madness also positive effects of being schizoid

Well, there's plenty of them. Some of them were already mentioned, but let's say them all:

Indifference to criticism and praise. Could be a bad thing, but at least for me it's not, because criticism is something to think about, not something to worry about. Don't take it as it might sound. It only means that it doesn't change my mood. If someone yells at me, I don't care. If he's right, I admit it, I learn from it and I move on. If he's not, I just ignore it. Similarly it works with compliments.

This short link shows some nice views on schizoid. Even shorter version is:
I'm independent and self-sufficient. I don't care about others and what they think of me. I'm not tied to family or friends and therefore I can do whatever I want. How many people said they'd  like to go to New Zealand too? Plenty, believe me. How many people did it? Very few! Why? Because they looked for excuses instead of admiting they're scared or tied to life somewhere else.

Thanks to my detachment from society. I'm not biased when talking about it. I see the flaws or strange things most people ignore. One example, I asked  was why the hell we have tykání/vykání in czech. Noone agreed and noone really cared about it. But it is a pointless thing to have.
I'm not saying I'm right in here. I'm just trying to show you things, that I consider true and you might not have thought of. That's all. What you'll  dowith this blog is up to you, but try to think about it

Originality in ideas and thoughts. That's more points mixed together and I don't like the word originality, but I guess it's obvious my view on life is quite different from the rest. And yes! It is a good thing!

I can't really translate this properly, so I'll just leave it in czech. Sorry about that, but it's pretty much just a nice summary of schizoid traits.
"Kladné stránky schizoidů se ukazují především v suverénní samostatnosti a nezávislosti, v odvaze být sami sebou, v autonomii individua. Ostrý pozorovací talent, neafektovaná, chladná věčnost, kritický, nepodplatitelný pohled na skutečnost, odvaha vidět věci, tako ve, jaké jsou, bez zmírňujících nebo zkrášlujících ozdob, patří k jejich přednostem. Jsou nejméně ze všech omezování tradicemi a dogmaty jakéhokoliv druhu, nejsu na něčem závislí, nic nepřejímají dříve, dokud si to neprověří a nepromyslí. JSou nesentimentální, nenávidí veškerá vzplanutí, veškeré nejasnosti a citová omámení. Jasně a nekompromisně zastávají svá předvědčení a o všem mají vlastní samostatné mínění. Jsou většinou ironičtí a satiričtí a ostře vidí slabosti ostatních; lze je proto těžko oklamat a v kontaktu s lidmi jsou často "nepohodlní", protože jsou málo ochotní se smířit s neupřímností a přetvářkou. Věří ve své schopnosti a dokážou žít naprosto bez iluzí; chtěli by ovládnou osud, který je pro ně něčím, co lze překonat; člověk je pro ně strůjcem svého osudu."

This article is also very interesting. You can skip the begginning if you want to and start from the middle. It's from a woman who's dating (is married to?) a schizoid and her views on him and his life an more.
Anyway, here are the most interesting parts:
" Despite my negative feelings about his life-style, I was intrigued by his high intellect and political and social convictions. Michael was so brutally honest about his beliefs on issues and values. He did not "candy coat" anything. His tactlessness both fascinated and scared me. Michael never lies. Michael conforms to no one. Michael is a true independent person. Within weeks of being with him, I fell in love with his shrewd sincerity and refusal to accept what society deems important and "right." He provoked me to fully evaluate why things are the way they are. He taught me to critically analyze and fully evaluate myself and my decisions in life. All of these lessons amazed me. I found out things about myself I did not want to accept or never paid real attention to their existence . . "

Change the name and you got it! :)
I hope :-D

"He is not secluded or withdrawn with me and I find it an true honor that he has chosen me as his partner. Along with being always honest, Michael talks to me constantly about his views, feelings, and beliefs. I love to hear what he has to say. He continually amazes me with his high intellect. However, Michael does have bouts of depression, because he does not at all feel comfortable in society. He does not feel the same sense of freedom discussing such thoughts and emotions with others"

Sounds about right again. Maybe except the part about depression. Just exchange the name(s).
Hopefully Andrea thinks similarly to this woman, but I think she does.

" Michael finds society, in general, "unevolved." And I must admit, I agree with him. His political and social views have reshaped my thinking and it has created this new sense of endurance to better understand oppression and fight for social justice. I greatly respect Michael's insight and I am blessed to hear his thoughts daily. Ironically, Michael can go weeks even months not saying a word to another human being besides me This sounds so strange in our highly socialized society, but this means nothing to Michael. Instead, he prefers the company of his thoughts and only shares them with few people, including me. When he does talk to others, he is generally misunderstood and ridiculed. Why? Due to his extreme introverted state, Michael is rather socially ineffective. He does not communicate with others effortlessly. In addition, his tactless and shrewd words can turn people off. Opposed to listening to his words, attention is paid to how those words are presented. As a result, Michael feels vulnerable, angry, and very uncomfortable and the other party generally feels vulnerable, judgmental, and sometimes discriminatory of Michael for not being more like them"

I'm not that bad around people, but if you take me as a milder Michael, it fits again.
Especially the part about informing people about my opinions. It was so obvious when I was talking to my friends at high school. After some time they just stopped listening to me and immediately said I'm a wall. I hated that, it really pissed me of and I'm glad noone does it now.
I understand why they were saying it, I always did, but I've always thought they're overeacting idiots who don't understand me :-D

"As illustrated, it is no different than asking fish to fly, Michael is not a social creature. And when he chooses to be social, it is only with a select few. This does not make Michael a freak, weirdo, or pathological case . . . it simply means he is different."

The next paragraph in the article doesn't fit much, because the woman is kind of hysterical (:-D), I'm not such a severe case and  I've never had any hatefull comments about me. But some parts are still valid.

"It is as if, since Michael rarely speaks, then he must be a "bad" person or does not deserve my love and affection. These beliefs shock me each time they are relayed and I feel so much disappointment in people whom behave and say such ignorant and oppressive statements. To them, their comments are funny. Instead, they hurt and, at times, devastate me. Meanwhile, while someone's husband is shooting the breeze with his father-in-law, at night he batters the man's daughter. What a shallow and inaccurate gauge to decide if someone is "okay" just simply based upon being an extrovert."

The last few sentences are correct so much. These comments were never  madea bout me and only a little bit about others, but I was always in a good company where noone would so such things. But I can imagine a lot of people would say them, even though probably not about me, because I seem quite normal.
Just something to think about I guess, this part is not about me.

Overall the article is full of valid points if you don't take some of them too seriously.
The other website about schizoids is also full of great information and I'd suggest it to be your first source for finding more, if you're interested.

At the end of this madness, I'd like to use the crazy woman and Michael again. He says this about himself and I can't agree more :)

"I would rather die than be anything but who I am. As I have said, I will not alter myself for anyone. I take great pride in who I am and I refuse to live my life as anyone else, even if it means that others may respect me or be kinder to me. It would be a lie and I will not compromise my whole sense of being due to people being shallow and narcissistic. This is my life."

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