Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas, Freud, Facebook and as usual sex

I don't think I'll stop using these titles anytime soon

This is really good article and you should definitely read it.
That's not what I'm going to talk about though, even though the topic is similar.

I've never understood how can people not think about things I do and I've always wondered what are they doing when they walk somewhere. What do they do when they're alone and have nothing to do. Do they think? About what?

For a while I though that people think, but about completely different things. That might be true, but it's not the main reason.
Then I thought they think, but it takes them longer time plus they have the same ideas and thoughts again and again. That sounded too scary, so I decided that's not right either.
Then I was told that people simply don't think at all. I also got an awesome explanation to that: people are not used to thinking. They are taugh that thinking happens at school, so they teach themselves not to think in their free time.
Seems too simple to be true, but it sounds good, so I'll take it at as option. Still, you can't not think about things.
Or can you?
I can't. There's always something going in my head...
Now that I think of it, maybe you only have thoughts about someone or something. Like going out with a friend or hugging your girlfriend and when you do that, you don't have time for thinking.
Or you can only think about the past and think how good times you had then and there. Possibly you can think about the future and think that everything will be better tomorrow.

My conlusion is simple: people really can't think.
But I think it's for a different reason that the one mentioned.
It's because they chose. Don't ask me why, because I have absolutely no idea, but they did.
Look around in public transport. How many people have headphones. How many of them are stuck to their phone playing games/being on Facebook?
And the article above about the news just confirms my idea. People are addicted on getting new informaton, but noone thinks anymore. No one cares what the articles say.
Believe me on this, because I've been there. For the past week I added Huffpost and Thought Catalog into my Facebook. I've read dozens of articles from both sites, most of them interesting. Do I remember them? Nope. I remember nothing and I mean absolutely nothing.
I know I liked these articles, I know I shared them, but that's it. They changed nothing for me.

One problem though. This is today's world. How the hell it worked in the past? What did the people do in their completely free time they spent with their thoughts?

In the end it all comes together. We have phones with internet, so we check the facebook and news anywhere. We can stay in touch with our friends while walking to school. We all lost contact with the real world, because we all see what we want to see. When are you online, you only see what you want. You see posts from liked FB pages, you talk only to people you know. You only click on the news that interests you, which are mostly just catchy titles saying nothing.
And not only we lose touch with the world around, we also can't comprehend the world we chose to see, because we have too many information we can't remember and we can't understand and make some sense of it.
If you put only "alternative" sources and conspiracy theories on your FB, what will your look on the world be?
That the world is a terrible place, where noone is free.
If you read only sites about conciousness, self awareness and self improvement, what will happen?
You'll think that everything is good, because people are trying to get better.
If you only see sites that post funny, cute or encouraging videos, what will you think? That the life is beautiful and people are nice.
If you read only gossip then obviously your world will be full of thinking about the famous strangers and their actions.

Try to think about this, because this is who you are. This is what makes you you. Most importantly this what makes my world. I'm not ashamed to admit I am living like this. I live in a world I chose to be in and I got rid of several sites that only made me feel bad. Yes, I only chose sites that will help me, that will enlighten me, that will show me that world is a great place. Why? Because I want to be happy and yes, I don't want to see the bad things.
This is a horrible way and possibly a bad decision. I know that and I accept all the consequences. But at the end it seems to give the me the best results.

Also I was recently thinking about the news and what they show to us. People are either completely immune to evil, because they see it all the time or they think it's normal, because the news show it to us.
I mean, except a few sites on the internet, where are the good news? Where are all the kind, nice people helping each other on a daily basis? Who sees that? Noone!
But it's there! I'm naive and I still believe people are good and they don't want to do anything bad. Their minds and ideas are just twisted, because they are ashamed to offer help. Ashamed? Afraid of helping someone else?
What kind of world do we live in?
My point is that people always see the negative, because they've been taught that's how it works.
I don't want to say you have to be always positive, but the problem is that this is all you see. And when you do, you complain about it. And the cycle goes on, because what else are the news than sad, aggresive or stupid people?

At the end I'd like to point out another though I had in mind for some time. The idea is that the whole view on news is all wrong. Today the people who read the news are generally considered "educated", more clever etc. Reading newspaper, watching news is usually considered a good thing.
Well, it's all wrong!
Two reasons:
Firstly the news you hear affect nothing in your life. Hard to understand it and even harder to accept it I guess, but just look at the news carefully. Does anything in there affects you?
"Of course! You need to know about politics, because it affect your whole life."
Nope! I'm deadly serious about this, but in reality it doesn't. I'm not going to explain. Just try to think about it.

Second thought is a disagreement with the whole idea that the people who watch the news are considered educated and clever. I might agree with the educated part, but never the clever part. One simple reason: people can't use the information they receive.
Take it however you want :)

More interesting info:

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