Saturday, December 6, 2014

No title is good enough (part 1)

In the next few articles, I'm just going to describe the people. I've been doing that for a long time, but this time I really nailed it!

First of all I need to make a definition of a clever person and an idiot, because I've been using  these terms rather loosely for a long time, but now I really need you to ignore the fact that idiot seems like an offense and invective. I don't mean it that way! It's a simple distinction between two kinds of people. Clever/smart and the rest which I simply call idiots, stupid, morons or any other similar word. A lot of times I say that people are stupid because they're doing something that is idiotic, but there's a difference. When I'm mentioning certain action, and then call the person idiot I mean only he might be moron, because of what he did. It doesn't necessarily mean the person has to be idiot, because we all do some stupid things. The smartest people do stupid things!
Anyway, simple definition or a (not exhaustive) list of things clever/smart people do:
They use logic and common sense. They are intelligent. They think on their own. They don't accept other's ideas without questioning them. They are not affected by the rules of society or by other people's opinions. They act independently and logically. They are open to new ideas and possibilities. They can defend their opinions by reasonable arguments, but they are willing to change their mind with logical evidence and arguments. They are not addicted to any substances or action (including alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, sugar or facebook), but they will try them all because they cherish all new experiences and can learn from them. They can stay alone with their thoughts. They stay fit. They try to be better, meaning they want to try new things, learn more and, in general, be better people. They are confident, but also know their faults, can admit a mistake and ask for help. They can learn from their mistakes. They can reflect on themselves, they know who they are, what they're doing and why. They are motivated and not lazy.
Again, this is not an exhaustive list, and in order to be considered smart you don't have to be all of these things fully. What is necessary though is to try to be like this. This is probably the most important thing about being clever. You know you want to be like this and you try to be like this No one can have, and do all of it completely, but the goal is to be all of it completely and clever people try to be.

So who's an idiot? Pretty much the opposite of course. Imagine a line, on the left side is IQ 0 and on the right IQ 200. Then you just fall somewhere in between (mostly in the middle). Same could be applied to how much you're affected by what others think of you as well how much you can argue and defend your opinions. As if you take all these things, and make the line with smart and stupid you get a nice line where the most of the population will be below the middle, and only a few dots will be scattered above.

And again I repeat that when I call someone stupid for doing something that makes no sense (= the action is stupid) I don't necessarily mean that the person is an idiot. What I mean is that he does something that is stupid.Therefore there is a higher chance he really is a moron, and this action moves him closer to the stupid endpoint. But he doesn't have to be!

We have the basics, so let's move on.
For now I'm going to state a simple fact:

People live in their own tiny worlds with no idea what the rest looks like.

We always think that the humanity is getting better, that we are making progress. And I'm not denying that I think in general we are. The question is, though: who's making the progress? It's not the society itself, it's not all the people getting better at the same rate and time.
It's few great people. Clever, curious, determined and hardworking people! Basically the people I would define as smart (I repeat again, do not confuse with intelligent. Intelligent =/= smart). These few percent of the population are the people who make the progress.

But the rest is much bigger and simple reason for them being controlled is a fact that unless they are, there will be no progress at all. If the democracy really worked the way it should I think we'd be doing much worse. Simply because people can't think on their own and they always choose the easy options. People don't accept new ideas. People hated and didn't believe in a heliocentric system, they didn't (and still don't) accept the evolution theory (Yes, it might be wrong, but currently we have no better explanation. When we do, the scientists will change their view. The rest of the population won't though...). On top of it, the arguments they use to disprove these ideas is ridiculous. It took a long time before physicists accepted quantum mechanics. And we talk about people who are meant to be not only one of the smartest, but also about people trained and educated in changing their opinions after proven facts. Hell, Einstein, who's considered one of the smartest people in the whole history never really accepted the quantum theory (my personal theory is that he did, but he just decided to against the crowd. Which helped a lot in the beginning, because he was always coming up with ideas to disprove it. Therefore, he forced other physicists to explain the quantum theory). Simply said, people don't like change and they will be against it, no matter how good the change is.

The honest truth, that no one is willing to admit and people choose to ignore, is that most people are really not clever at all. All the nice utopias are determined to fail because it's not about education. That's the biggest mistakes people make, they think that education is going to save us. It won't!
The education system is wrong from top to bottom, but even if it worked exactly as it should, and everyone would be taught to think, to question, to argue and to learn on their own, it would still be determined to fail.
Because people are not capable of thinking!
I know it's hard to swallow. I know it's hard to stop believing in it, but we have to accept the simple truth, otherwise there's no way it's going to get better.
The problem is we all know that. Literally everyone knows that. Yet no one is willing to admit it and then deal with it as a fact. Simply because we've lost perspective.
We all have certain group of people we know, and obviously these people are the ones we know well, we (should) think of them as clever, and what's most important we meet them most of the time.
And this is where we're losing perspective.
Recently, I only read articles about self improvement, meditation, happiness, the spiritual awakening and global shift in conciousness. Do I get the feeling that the world is full of people who are clever and who wants to be better? Do I get the feeling there will be a big change in the way we live? Do I get the feeling that world is a nice place to live? YES!
But unlike most others, I know it is just a feeling, because while it's nice to see two millions of people watching a great informative document that could change the world, there are still 7 other billions of people who haven't seen it. How much is two millions in 7 billions? About 0.02857%.
I look at poeple who wants to be educated, who wants to be better and happier and I make my view about this world through these people. But these people are about 0.03% of all the people in the world!
This is the part of the world I see!
This is the part of our society I decided to get my opinions and ideas from.
No wonder I feel great!

The rest? Most likely idiots... There can be a world full of idiots and even though you suspect it, you'll probably not going to admit it and do something about it.
Partially because you don't know what. Partially because you don't want to. Partially because you're doing fine, your close ones too and who cares about the rest, right?
No matter where you come from, no matter by whom you would be considered clever, you mostly meet the people from your class. Most of the people you meet have similar background. You won't be friend with all of them, some of them (most of them?) you'll judge as idiots, arrogant, narrowmined, rude or simply just "not  good company" and with the few you'll like you'll talk to. You'll talk to them, because they are pleasant company, you have things to talk about and you agree with each other. These are the people who make your view on the world.
You obviously meet a lot new people who have different backgrounds, but will you be friends with them? You might, but there is even less chance it will happen. And even if it does, why will you talk to each other? Because you still agree with each other, because your ideas are similar and because you simply can stay together without being annoyed. You won't talk to the people you consider stupid, ignorant or just annoying. Obviously! Why would you?

We're all doing it all the time! We choose the way we see the world. We choose friends, who will eventually convince us that all people are similar to the ones we meet. Friends who will only confirm our view on the world.
And the rest? The rest you can live with for a while, but you mostly ignore.
Who listens to the shouting preachers with microphone on the street? No one! We all ignore them because they're not interesting. They "don't fit". Except maybe the few who already know them or who are already interested in their message. The preacher changes nothing, because his message is accepted by people who already know it, and is ignored by the rest.
How many people look outside the mainstream media for their news? People who already decided that the messages mainstream media tell us are lies.
How many people from "high classes" '("the intellectuals") know people in the working class? How many of them know what the working class thinks, what are their ideas and needs? For example politicians? How many of them actually know what the rest of the population wants?
And the opposite is true as well.
I am great example of that. My family is not rich, but because I went for 8 years to "prestige" high school, I met only the kids, who are way more intelligent (and usually also smarter) than the rest of the population. These people were the ones I got my views from, and even though I was disappointed I knew that this is pretty much the best company I could get. Now I'm at community college. It's still not exactly working class, and these people are, in general, still somewhat intelligent, but the difference is huge. I don't want to insult community colleges or their students, but the simple fact is that most people in there won't have high scores in intelligence. And even though intelligent doesn't mean smart, there is a correlation.

A friend recently posted on FB a short story from her life, and she complained about a stupid sex joke a plumber, who came to repair her toilet, said. While the joke was inappropriate (and stupid, therefore I refuse to repeat it), the reactions to it were much more interesting. One person commented that the kids from "gymnáziums" (=grammar schools in UK, or simply prestige high schools for the rest of the world) should spend more time with the proletariat, so they will know what the rest of the population thinks and what they find funny.
Another typical example for women is catcalling. Personally, I don't understand it, I have no idea why would anyone do it and I find it disgusting. Yet, there are people who do it and who consider it fine. I don't personally know anyone who would do it (I think). But that could still mean there are millions of poeple who do it. And they are.
To conclude, we all live in our own small separate worlds. We don't often see other people's worlds and when we do, we see only a small part that fits into our view. We're all ignorant, narrowminded and uneducated when it comes to knowing who other people are and what do they think.
Even though I don't really like Cracked, this article is great and explains a lot of what I just said. Definitely worth the read. I seriously mean it!

People are simply stupid.

If you think people can think, then tell me how the hell we have so many truly fat people?  I don't care about few kilos, but if you are 1.8m (6foot) and you weigh 150kg (330lbs) there's seriously something wrong with you... No wait!
This is not enough! Fat people are sick idiots, who have no respect and gave up on themselves and who only prove how twisted our society can be.
Everyone knows it's unhealthy, yet these people don't seem to care and some of them are even proud of it. How the hell can you be proud of being unhealthy, in bad condition and ugly (at least for most people)? How can that happen?

If people can think, why do they smoke? Why are they addicted to cigarettes that gives them (almost) nothing?
I could understand getting addicted to it. That can happen when you're a kid because of the influence of others. But how can you say you want to quit, but don't really do anything about it? Do you realize you really are killing yourself? Or do people really think that it makes no difference if they die 10 years earlier. For god's sake! Imagine you just lost the last ten last years of your life. Imagine you'd forget everything that happened, but you'd knew it did. I would have to do the whole high school again! The whole bloody thing!  Or let's say you have kids and you would normally die whey they are 22, but because you're a moron you miss all their teenage years and theirs growing up. Good on you mate!

If people can think why do they ask incredibly silly questions. Group of about five people come to all you can eat chinese buffet. They don't know it's self service. They sit down and order drinks. I come back in several minutes with them and lady asks: "When do we get our plates?" I answer "Just over there" and point at the buffet. She looks at me and says "Oh, we have to take the food by ourselves. You didn't say that."
There is a full restaurant of other people walking around with full plates. There are people at the buffet filling up those plates and there are 4 big counters with food and it's my job to tell them they need to get the food, because there's no service and set menu.
Ok, we're all confused sometimes, but this seems a bit too much.

Why do people borrow money to pay for vacation? Or for anything that's not absolutely neccessary or that doesn't (potentially) bring them more money? How can you think that borrowing money to buy new TV is a good idea?

How can people still believe what the government tells them? LSD or ecstasy can help many people with differents ilnesses (like depression or post-traumatic stress syndrome). Yet, even in my generation many people still believe that LSD is dangerous it will make you crazy and you will kill yourself because you think you can fly. And on the other hand, cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs, even though it's been proven that alcohol is much more dangerous than LSD or ecstasy.
The argument at least one of my friend had to banning ecstasy was: "it's illegal, because it's dangerous. I believe that the government had reasons to do it."
Really? There are still people who believe that the politicians know what they're doing and they act for better good?
Sure, it might be dangerous in some small cases, but everything has side effects. Having a bad trip with LSD  that can help people with their ilnesses vs. driving drunk with absolutely no positive effects on anyone.
Not to mention my personal experience.  I was given Vyvanse that is given to little children to help with their ADHD symptoms. And with all honesty I can say that it's scary how similar it is to MDMA (ecstasy) and other amphetamines. Yes, the same category of drugs to which methamphetamine belongs to is regularly given children who have ADHD. And no, there is no big difference in various types of amphetamines.

People always complain about things. For example about health. They know they should exercise, they admire people who do, but they do nothing at all to change their behavior. I wrote about this, but a reminder never hurts. I was talking to a friend and I told him that I try to exercise every morning, because if I don't, my back will hurt. I told him that, he replied it's great, and he wished he would have such a will to do it. He knew he has a problem, he knew what's the problem, he knew the solution, he admired me for solving the same problem he had and he did absolutely nothings to change.
People always complain about various things. Ok, I get complaining about the government because you don't want to spend your life trying to change things with no guarantee you will change anything. But complaining about your health is simply insane.

There are millions of examples like this. There's no point telling them. Either you know that people are idiots and you just need to admit it to yourself, or you somehow live in a magical land where everyone is clever, nice and happy. And the government is there to help, the illegal drugs are illegal for a good reason, while the legal drugs are legal for a reason.
Honestly and seriously, how did you get there?

The real people.

I'll give you better examples of real people.
I was talking to my flatmate, and we were talking about our thoughts and minds. He told me he can't stay alone with his thoughts, he always has to do something, otherwise he would go crazy.
He said: "That's why I take drugs. It stops me from thinking."
People say that what distinguishes us from animals is the fact that we are clever and we have the ability to think.
And the way we prove we can think is that we take drugs in order to stop us from having thoughts!
We take drugs because we would go crazy if we were alone with our thoughts!

Another similar example is a girl I don't know, who apparently said this:  "I always need to be around people. I can't be with my own thoughts for more than a few minutes."
Andrea told me she heard this, and she also made very nice comment afterwards:
"She doesn't have real personality. She has "no sense of self", because a person who's always with others doesn't know where she ends and others begin."
Beautiful! And so very true! How can you be a person when you can't be with yourself? If you spend all the time with others, how do you know who you are? All you do is being influenced by others. You only accept information and never sort them out.

This is pretty much it. We all say people are clever and animals are not. I want to know which people?
All of them? No way!
Few percent of them? That's more like it!

By now you should know that people are idiots. If you're still struggling with that let me know. Tell me anything that would prove wrong! I'm deadly serious! I want it! I want to believe that people are clever, because if it was true, the world would suddenly be a great place. So if I didn't convince you by now, you try to convince me.
I always ask people to comment, and prove me wrong, and no one ever does. I usually take it as that people generally agree, and when they don't it's nothing too important, so they don't bother with arguing. Or they just simply don't care and even if they do agree, they just can't be bothered. No matter what is, if there's one situation you should prove me wrong, then it is now!

People want to be controlled or at least don't mind it, and they need to be, because it's better for everyone.

Why people need to be controlled? Because they want it. They desire someone above them telling them what to do.
I'm going to give you several examples why do I think that, but one of the reasons I do is that I am a part of the humanity, and I need some sort of control too. I am part of this society that controls people, and I have only a little interest in changing it, because I pretty much like, but I'll get to that later. What I want to say is that even though I might say "people" or "they" I actually mean "us", I mean the humanity as a whole! Not excluding anyone, even though my arguments will never apply to everyone completely.
Why is it better for people to be controlled? Like I said, it's not the humanity itself that's causing the progress, it's the few percent of successful people. They can be politicians, scientists, philosophers, rulers or pretty much anyone who did something worthwile, that no one else could do at that time.
I'm sure that these people had problems when presenting their ideas. Because people refuse change, they don't like new ideas and they will opose anything radical.

Controlled population is better for the people, because they can't think. They don't know what's good for them or for others. They can't decide what to do and what they need, so someone needs to tell them.
The great people can't be controlled no matter what. That's what makes them great. They will always find a way to do what they want.
The diferrence between the types is that the great people want to be challenged, they like and try new things, and they have ambitions and will to do things. But the rest is not motivated, they don't want to do anything, they just want to eat, drink, sleep, fuck and maybe watch TV. They would always choose the lazy life, but this obviously won't work. There needs to be a system where these people can get what they want in exchange for doing something worthwhile too. That's why we have money and jobs.

It would be great to have 7 billions of smart, hard working, ambitious people, but we don't and we need to live with that. That's why it might be wrong to fight against the government. Because unless there is someone or something to control the masses, the masses will go insane. There will be 7 billions of idiots without control pretty much against few millions of people who know what's good. After the anarchy, after we kill most of the people and things will calm down a bit, it will go back to normal, and we'll have the same system again, because people really don't like change. Very nice quote for that.
So think twice before taking down the system...

We say that people deserve to be free and while that is true I don't think it's the most important thing. Freedom comes with a price.
And the truth is: people might deserve it, but they don't want it. Just look at this world. It's sick and it's wrong! How many people not only complain, but do something about the problem?That's the most important fact! People complain, but they like the way they live.
The people who want to change the world want to make it better for everyone, but the problem is that most people don't want to, and also can't get better. If they wanted to, they would! There is a solution to every problem in the world, but people are just to lazy to find it. Most of the people (at least for sure in the western society) shouldn't be considered as miserable and unlucky products of the society that screw them. Everyone makes their own life, and if you want to have a better life you need to know what's wrong with it (first problem, but not that hard), then you have to know what to do about it (a bit harder, but still doable and most people know both), and then you have to actually do it, which is where most people fail. There are always ways to improve, people just don't try to.
Seriously, people have problems getting out of bed in the morning unless they have to! What more do you want?

At this point you could say that I'm exactly the same. I only complain and I do nothing. And you would be wrong, because I'm not complaining. I'm only trying to make other people see what's in front of their eyes. I'm trying to make them see the real humans. And yes, I am not doing anything. First of all, why should I if I'm not complaining? And second, I don't want to change the world. I quite like it.

I don't know why people desire control, why do they want to conform, but it's everywhere you look. There has to be alpha male in every group.
People get their ideas from unverified sources without thinking. People conform to various religions. They listen authorities just because they're authorities. Parents, teachers, bosses... They all tell us what to do, and we do it. Without thinking! We are stuck with ideas someone planted us.
And we need someone who's creative and courageous enough to tell us it's wrong.

And yes I think I am this kind of person. I know I'm right, but I know most people will never realize it, and will always refute me as a crazy person. I'm convinced I am the smart person, but I know there are many people doing better than me.
The real reason I think I can write about all this is simple: I've seen it! I see it all the time!
And what really worries me are all the people who can't, because for me it's so obivous!
You can say I'm mostly standing outside of the society; therefore I make observations most people can't, because they consider themselves part of the society. And you might be right! But I think it's more simpler than that. I just look! I hear! And when I do I take the information, make some conlcusions, and no matter how unbelievable or hard to admit the conclusion is, I will accept it.
There no point denying it. There's no way to refute it (but please do try), because we all know this. Even the people I would consider stupid know this or would be able to realize it if they looked a bit around.
It's not hard at all. You just need to realize that the people you call friends are tiny minority, and the people you for some reason don't like (and would consider stupid) are the majority.

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