Friday, October 31, 2014

Chemistry, physics and math

Why the hell did I start with chemistry?

Second part of this madness!
No wait! The madness continues without my actions.


Ok, I released my hidden anger.
No wait! I  have no anger. And especially not hidden.
So what did I release?
I rele...

This sketch is getting too silly.
And what's even sillier is that it's not even a sketch!
That's enough. This article has been hacked, until we resolve this problem we won't continue.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
We truly, deeply apologize!
We are really sorry, please forgive us!
Sorry :(((((((

Sometimes I think I could actually make this blog more serious. Maybe I could atract more readers, share my idea with more people, get more comments and so on, but then I say to myself: "What a stupid idea!"

So let's continue with this blog for several more years untill I get famous for being smart. Then all the people who want to learn more about me {=my dedicated fans [=my fanatics(=my army)]} will have several years of my insanity awesome and strictly logical ideas, which would mean I could really make a difference by getting admission to some secret societies.
That makes no sense and I'm digressing, so let's take a look at the madness part again.

I want to write about the country of freedom (Country of Freedom?) and the part that doesn't look like freedom to me. It seems to be more of a police state than anything else. Why? Well, the first indicator would be the fully armed police oficers everywhere. Second indicator is that they have a lot of power and they're no afraid to use it.
This doesn't apply only to regular police department. CUNY (City University of NY)  has its own "Peace officers". Meaning people who walk around school with batons, pepper sprays, handcuffs and what's most surprising with bulletproof vests. What's most disturbing though is: some of them are allowed to carry guns.
I really wonder how can a country with so many uniformed and armed people can be called the country of freedom.
Oh no wait! They're here to protect the freedom.
I think I wanted to make this part longer at first and describe how the police is on every subway station and sometimes going through your stuff. I wanted to say that the New York (!) Police department has officers in many other countries, who are sometimes involved in terrorist attacks. Like in Bali when they showed in the place of the attack. The local police respond is following: "We were astonished and irritated that the NYPD showed up"
Which is basically the same as my question "What the fuck are you doing there? How the hell do you dare to investigate something like this in a place like that."
Source is here
Anyway, like I said, I only wanted to talk about it, so I'm not going to write any of the things I just wrote!

Moving on!
I've written about this before, but it's still prevalent practice for some women, so I need to make sure that everyone knows how stupid it is.
There's no sexism involved by the way. It's just experience. I've never seen any single guy react this way, but I've seen quite a few women. What am I talking about? Laughing at their own stupidity.
I'm going to start with the latest experience of this. There's a girl in my physics (and also math) class, and to make it clear from the beginning: yes, she is an idiot! But that's not the point. What she does is that she talks a lot during classes, she responds to anything the teacher asks, and she doesn't care if it's right or wrong, she doesn't even care if it makes sense. Recently the physics teacher got annoyed. He asked something, she responded something that made no sense and he said something like this: "Why do you always do this? Why do you have to say something without thinking about it? Just look at it, think and say something if you know what to say. Think and then say something."
The full version was much more interesting and entertaining, and it's sad that I don't remember it, but the point reamins. He finally got annoyed and told her to think before she says something, because it makes no sense.
What she did? She laughed. He was making fun of her, he basically told he's had enough of her stupidity, and she laughed, she smiled, and she enjoyed being a complete idiot in front of the class. No one in the class laughed, and even though some people probably smiled, I think that some of them were embarassed and felt sorry for her.
It's nice to be able to make fun of yourself, but when you act like an idiot and asshole and someone points that to you, you should shut up and think about yourself.
This is the most recent example, but I've written about it before, because some of my classmates did the same. They laughed when then didn't t know the answer, they smiled when teacher made fun of them and they continued to smile no matter what happened, no matter how stupid they looked.
My question is: why? Why do some girls do it?
Once again, this is a serious question and I'd like answers :)
Second question related to that is: why is it only girls who do it? Where did they learn it? Basically, explain the whole thing to me, becaus I still don't get it. Thanks in advance!

We went to a philosophy course with Andrea. Technically, we're still going there, but we haven't been ther for two weeks and who knows when (if?) we will come again. Anyway, I learned several things. Not a thing about philosophy, a bit about having happier and focused life and some about the humans.
This one thing stuck in my mind. We had an exercise to ask in every situation: "What would a wise person do". No wait! It was specifically "What would a wise man or a woman do".  Don't ask me why, I still have no idea what's the difference, but they said it so many times that there's no way it has no purpose.
Digressing! One guy asked a question, what should he do if he's invited to a party, but he doesn't want to come. Should he tell his friend or should he come anyway? He didn't receive any definite answer, but some other woman told her story. She felt the same way many times, but her solution was to confirm attendance, but before the event she turned off her phone or simply stopped responding.
After some time though, she said, she started being honest, because she realized it's not nice and fair to her friends.

I still don't understand what people do in their heads. For some time I thought they think, but they think slowly or differently, but that can't be!
This woman was doing it for a long time (probably a big part of her adult life) and only aftet the logn time she realized it's not fair to others and she should just be honest. Am I realy that smart for knowing straight away that promising something and then turning my phone off is not a good idea? Am I really that different for knowing these things without several years of trial and error?
What's even more puzzling is when you ask: what do these people think and what do they do in their heads when they can't think of something so obvious.
This thing in particular seems obvious to me and I don't really need to think about it, I just know. I might understand that some people don't have it the same way, but still. The lady made a concious decision to lie to her friends and to avoid them, which means she thought about it. Somehow. How come this didn't come to her in all the time. How come there are still people who haven't figured that out?

Andrea's teacher said a very nice thing, something I never had to word out, but something that makes perfect sense. Basically, the "old parts of are brain" are fully developed, they went through thousands of years of evolution and they work fine. The new parts, on the other hand, are... well, new.  Some people dare to say that we're the results of evolution. That might be true, but what they might not realized is that evolution is still in process, which means that humans will change. Which means that the new parts of the brain will one day be old. And from that we can assume that people will somehow resolve the problem of them being the only creatures capable of thinking, but at the same time the only creatures capable of doing completely illogical things. Basically what Andrea told is that the people will evolve and their brains will get better in using logic, so it won't be that easy to implant us false memories (look up false memory to learn more, it's quite interesting), it won't be that easy to confuse us with easy math (especially statistics) and basically we won't be so easily tricked, fooled, trapped and we won't trust things so easily.
So sad I live in this world and not in the future! So so sad...

I will repeat myself again, but people should really stop saying meaningless things. In my english class we talk mostly about the news that are not covered by the mass media. Therefore, the teacher talks a lot about what's going on or what happened in Africa or Asia. Which is always good, people need to be educated, especially Americans, but the problem is that people get to excited. When the teacher starts blaming the western civilization, they will support him. They'll blame the US, they will feel sorry for the victims. No problem so far. The problem comes after class, because then all the excitement disappears. All the support for the suffering will vanish and all the motivation to do something and fight is gone. It is exactly the same things as you can see on Humans of NY. There was photo of a homeless person, who just wanted to find a home before the Thanksgiving. Many people commented and offered help. They offered to share a meal with him or host him. Several problems: will he ever read it? If he will, do you really think he will call?
I'm not going to say that the people don't mean it, that they're not helping in other ways, but to be honest. Posting on a FB photo of a homeless with your number doesn't help anyone. It's only there to fool yourself and other into thinking you are not a horrible person.
You might not be, but the thing is that these acts don't help anyone. Talking doesn't change anything. When a girl in my class starts clapping and yelling supportive words on a video on youtube, I start thinking: if she's this excited about a single video in class, she has to he all the time helping people. If some other woman screams in class about racism, unfairness and the sad lifes some people have by someone elses actions, I think that if she cares so much, she has to fight against the unfairness all the time.
Maybe they do. I have no idea, but I assume they don't, because if all the people, who get excited when watching videos like that really did something, the world would look differently. I'll assume people don't do much. Prove me wrong! I mean it! I'm begging you: prove me wrong. Please!

Anyway, no one so far proved me wrong, so I'll jump to this conclusion and what I'm going to suggest is this: Stop getting excited unless you mean. Stop posting things you don't act upon. Don't share your ideas of beliefs, but actions! If you're offering a food to this once specific homeless person, who you saw on FB, why not give your number to any of the millions of people on the street?
I don't like hypocrites and I assume no one does, so here's what I'm going to say:
I don't care!
I don't care about the homeless people and I don't care about the dying Africans.
I seem like cold blooded person, but caring for someone means not just saying words, but acting. I don't plan to act, so I'll just say I don't care.
But I'm not cold blooded and in reality I do care, which is what most people do. We just don't act.
My reasons are following: I'm not going to help unless I'm satisfied and I have all I need. What I want to be is someone like Bill Gates. He earned so much money he has no idea what to do with it. He's not in charge of Microsoft anymore. So what's he doing? He's giving out his money. Simply said: he can afford to care and he can afford to actually make a difference. I don't like half solutions. Yes, it might feel good to give a homeless some clothes and food, but what difference does it make? I helped them through another day. I'd rather give them job. I'd rather help them get education.
Can I do that? Not really.
So my plan is following: I won't care about others and I'll take care of myself. When I'm done with that I'll consider my other options.

For the last part let's make fun of average Americans again. One thing they regularly do is that they keep their bags on their backs in buses. Which might not seem to strange unless you don't know how it looks on Brighton beach (subway station from which most of the students who don't have cars go to Kingsborough) every morning. Basically you have a lot of people trying to get into buses. Every morning I stand and the buses, for some reason, come all at once. So every half an hour, or so, you get three buses that will fill up with students and transport them to school. With that many people you can be sure that there's a lot of pressure to get in and once you do, you most likely won't have enough space around you. There are many solutions to this. More and frequent buses is one of them, but one partial solution to transport all the people would be to make more space by taking your bag off your back. Not counting the fact that it would be much more comfortable for the people around you.
Another strange behaviour. Unless the driver doesn't open the back door all the people need to get in through the front door. The problem is that people don't go all the way to the back. Far from it! They stand in the middle of the bus and do nothing. Some people get through them, but most just stop when it's comfortable and don't care. But the people in the front, or outside, do care and they'd greatly appreciate if you moved your fat ass. The best are the fat people who stand in the middle of the bus, block all the way and when someone tries to get through them they seem offended, they shake their heads and they can't believe that someone would dare to push them. Just like today...
I wonder, why is that? Are the people really that stupid they don't think of it? No. Are they really that inconsiderate that they don't move just a bit, so more people could get in or some people have more comfort? No. Are they really that blind that they have no idea what's going on around them? YES!
They just don't realize. They don't see any of this and even if they did there's only a small part of the poeple who are able to make the logical step, connect these two things and think of a solution.
I think I might write a whole article about this now, because I thought that people are stupid, but not neccessarily. They just don't see it, they have no idea what's going on around them.
Which is strange, because what the hell do they do? I understand they don't look around when they have phones in their hands or when they're listening music, but in a crowded bus most people don't do any of it. So what do they do? They must think, right? There must be something going on in their heads, right?

Funny true story about that.
One morning bus came and people got in. I was one of the latest, so I was standing on top of the stairs. There are two steps. You can't stand on the bottom one, because there are doors, but you can easily stand on the second one. There's no need to move the one more step and stand on the floor of the bus. Anyway, we got in, the door closed and bus started. It was crowded and on the stairs were two people. One was further and doing fine. The second was very close to me and she wasn't happy. Riding on the stairs is much better, because you can lean on door and you have more space around. Therefore I have no idea why this lady decided to go up. She pushed herself, she pushed people around just so she could stand on the floor and not on the stairs. It already makes no sense, because she made it more uncomfortable for everybody, but nevermind. The second odd thing is that she had a baby on her attached, The baby was on her belly and with this movement she pressured her kid to the people around. She was quite all right, but I'm not sure if the kid didn't mind being pressed to strangers.
This was all strange, but I thought "fine, maybe she has some reasons to do it."
As you can guess it didn't end there. The bus stopped for a while and some guy who was sitting stood up and offered the lady to sit down. Great idea! It would make more space for others, the lady with a kid would sit and the world would make sense again.
LOLNOPE! Fuck you!
What the lady did was that she took her baby and put it in the seat.
Just the baby! She was still standing up, she was still making the bus more crowded than neccessary and now she even made it worse. Why? Because the guy had to stand up. The nice guy who offered her the seat had to stand on one leg with silly posture, because there was no space to stand. He offered the seat and it would make sense if he switched the space with the lady, but no! She used the space for a half person, so we all could touch each other even more.
FUCK YOU people! Learn to observe, interact with the environment and most importantly: please! For god's sake, please, learn to use your brain.
If you are the results of evolution that prove that evolution actually works.

I don't really think that humans have evolved in general. I only think that there is always a couple of people who make the difference in the generation and the rest is just moving along doing nothing.
Quite sad if you ask me...

But I'm digressing and I should finish, so I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to comment. I respond to every comment I can and I'm always excited  when people react, so don't be shy :)

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